Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 42: Let's see...

I always think of really awesome things to say during the day, when I'm watering my flowers of course, but then I wait and the awesomeness leaves.  Staying up late and watching the Phillies really makes your brain go numb, I guess that's why frat guys are...well, the way they are! 

Moving on.  Do any of you get puzzled by people? I mean really puzzled-like you want to figure them out.  But this desire to figure them out doesn't consume you, just a passing thought every now and again.  I know I do!  My brain is constantly going, and thinking about conversations I've had with people, but sometimes these conversations and their actions don't really match up.  In moves the puzzlement!  For example, in your brain you may have made someone out to be really douchey, but then you remember conversations you've had with them and you think-maybe they weren't so bad.  BUT then you see the way they talk to others, or even you sometimes and you definitely a douche! Maybe I shouldn't waste my time being puzzled and I should just deem that this person is confused and doesn't know who he/she is, which would give reason for their inconsistent behavior.
Or, I could be right and they are just a douche, and they need a break from douche-dome.
thoughts? or am I losing my mind? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I found this post to be really interesting.

    1.) You're losing your mind. Such is natural when planning a wedding.

    2.) While you may be puzzled by douchy behavior... consider this. We human beings are social chameleons. We tend to change our colors depending on where we are and who we're spending time with. For example, do you act the same way around me that you do, say, your mom? Do you act the same way you act around your mom with your fiance? Perhaps it's not this person's behavior that's inconsistent, but rather their environment. This is the reason why this person acts like a douche around other people, but has very different conversations with you. Different people and different surroundings bring different shades of our personalities out. For example- around my family at our house, I'm extremely quiet, and usually the rational voice of reason, mostly because my family lacks one of those without me... and most of my family members communicate by screaming. When I'm at the bar or at a party with my friends, I'm ultra crazy and loud and I convince my friends to do crazy things that are clearly bad decisions.

    Despite my variation in behavior, I would have to say that I know myself better than most people usually know themselves. Sure, my actions are bound to perplex others, but the thing is that all of us (or many of us, rather) happen to embody many different personality characteristics, all of which could not possibly be present at one point in time.

    With that being said, some of my most disappointing relationships have been with people who are so drastically different around me than they are with other people. It's been upsetting watching a person be completely different (or even ashamed of me) apart from me, but totally awesome with me. Very sad indeed.

    3.) Bring a notebook outside when you water your flowers. Write down your thoughts. I do this all the time when I'm walking around in life and I see something that gives me an idea to write about.

    Hope this gives you something to think about...
