Friday, May 6, 2011


Before I jump right in to the countdown of my life I wanted to catch people up on what has been going on in this life of mine.  There is one word that seems to sum it all up T.R.A.N.S.I.T.I.O.N. At the end of October my father passed away (please hold all sympathy comments), then December I got engaged AND graduated from college, the end of January I finished student teaching, two weeks later I started working a REAL job until this past Monday when I quit.  I literally feel like I have been running a marathon since January 2010 and haven't stopped at any of the water stations set-up along the way to give your body nourishment.  I know its only been a week, but quitting my job has been the best thing for me.  I feel as though I can finally breathe again and get rest before my next marathon.

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